The novel is based upon the true story of Scheinmann's grandfather Moshe, who too was an Austro-Hungarian soldier captured by the Russians, and undertook a three year journey back to Europe to be reunited with his lover, also called Lotte. Leo's grief and bereavement of Eleni also reflect the author's personal experiences when he lost his late girlfriend Stella in a similar bus crash in South America in 1992.

Sweet love Quotes
The novel was nominated for the Galaxy British Book Awards in the 2008 reading list of the Richard and Judy Book Club. The author is also currently adapting the book for film.

*Love quotes
In the novel Moritz is an older man dying of consumption in his home in Berlin (which he caught on his travels and never recovered from) and is recounting his experinces on his deathbed to his son Fischel, whom we later discover to be Frank Deakin.

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Sweet love Quotes
The novel was nominated for the Galaxy British Book Awards in the 2008 reading list of the Richard and Judy Book Club. The author is also currently adapting the book for film.

*Love quotes
In the novel Moritz is an older man dying of consumption in his home in Berlin (which he caught on his travels and never recovered from) and is recounting his experinces on his deathbed to his son Fischel, whom we later discover to be Frank Deakin.
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title\x3d\x26quot;Love Quotes\x26quot;
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